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KSh2,000 (Fixed)

We are the best company that provides proffessional headlight cleaning/restoration.We use the latest technology in the m...

  • Nairobi
January 21, 2022

KSh1 (Negotiable)

We offer durable and affordable car seat covers which prevent dust into your car seats, we are located at “Kangundo road...

November 7, 2021

KSh12,000 (Negotiable)

These are classic car seat covers which protect your car seat from tear and dust,we also offer free shipping within Nair...

November 7, 2021

KSh9,500 (Negotiable)

Hi there welcome to Rich-arts designers where we deal with car seat covers which protect your car seat from dust and tea...

November 7, 2021

KSh2,000 (Fixed)

Phone:0708446852 Welcome to our car Hire And Rental Services.  we strive to offer first class car hire services within N...

  • Nairobi
January 22, 2022