The C9 program, it is a natural, safe nutritional detox 9 day programme which work by:
1. Cleansing and detoxing the body and the colon so that fats can be broken down.
2. Controlling appetite and cravings so you have an easy time working towards a healthier lifestyle
3. Boosting body metabolism so that food you eat is broken down to release energy
4. Toning the body.. No sagging skin even after weight loss.
ALOE VERA DRINK 2L :- To cleanse the system to remove toxins and wastes; making the body to release fat faster!
THERM MULTIVITAMIN TABS :- To boost metabolism which means burning excess starch to energy instead of converting to fats.
GARCINIA CAMBOGIA SOFTGELS : To curb excess cravings and appetite and help burn stored fats.
SOY PROTEIN SHAKE: To build lean muscle to replace the fat lost to prevent sagging skin and protect muscle mass preventing further weight gain.
AGLUTEN-FREE FIBRE:-To help you feel full between meals and make the program very friendly.
A shaker-bottle, tape measure and a guidebook are also part of the Clean 9 pack.
👌​Other​ ​Benefits​
Lose between 3 to 6kgs and 2 to 5 inches around the waistline with one pack in 9 days.
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